Saturday, February 09, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Every 'nin cho yat', my grandmother will 'zou nin' in her house.
Everyone will come to her house to 'bai nin', including grandparents siblings, their sons and daugthers and their grandchildren. At least 10 family will come that day. syok right?

So, they all coming to visit here, we also prepared something for them.

Yes, decorate the house, prepare some chinese new year's delicacies and some 'jai' food.

Here comes the many of them....

Most of them were in red nice....

Here..the future women's leaders....

Some relatives not so often can visit when they come to visit. They normally suprised by our (sister, brother, cousins and me) rapid growth.
They come and talk to us one by one.
to cousin sister Marie: [Wah, jeng jor worr.] ..means pretty liao.
to sister Sabrina: [Li goh ngo ying tak..mou bin dou..] ..means they still can recognise her as she doesn't change a lot.
to brother Desmond: [Wah...hak dou gum gan yew geh??.] ..means too much black pigments.hahahaha!!!
to cousin brother David: *hokkien*[Lu san liao worr.] ..means thin dy.
to cousin brother Kah Hoe: [Dai goh jorr... Leng zai jorr worr.]
to me: [Aiyor... zau sai yong jorr...] ..means don't know grow until like what. haha. too fat.
Really zadou lorr...
The first day we didn't do the 'lou sang'...feel a bit weird weird dei.. don't know why this year so weird.. but on the second day, we did the 'lou sang'. Feel so good.
These were all my wishes during the 'lou sang'..
1. 'seng gong yap STPM Biochem.'
2. 'shun lei hau cheh loh dou Licience.'
3. 'migrate to New Zealand.'
Then my uncle brought us to watch Kung Fu Dunk.
We watched the midnight ones. 12.00am. Times Square.
We had our drinks at Starbucks and phototaking section while waiting the Hall 3 opens. KNS.

Kat Lift also 'mou fong goh...'
Really crazy us.
Kung Fu Dunk not nice one.. very...fai.. kns.