Friday, April 03, 2009


Did my very first Oral suction for 88/M.
I did two times and my Clinical Instructor two times.
I manage to suck out some white fluid by asking him to cough out...
Hmm, Clinical Instructor praised. I was so happy that I did good to 88/M.

Oh yea, we have a Smile Project now in SunMed.
This works like...err...make sure pt remember my name.
Whoever I attend to, I introduce myself to that pt.
"Good morning Uncle Wong, I'm Student Nurse Hsin Ni. I am the Medicine Nurse In-charged today. I will be taking care for you. If you need any help, just press the call bell and I'll come." hehehe....!~~ geng leh... then repeat "Remember, my name is Hsin Ni."..hehehe fine.