Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Mathematics - Earth as a Sphere

Last Wednesday, I went to tuition for Maths and BM. Hmm, I love to study Maths there as the teacher, SW is very funny and a bit horny.. haha..

Last week, we did revision on the topic Earth as a Sphere, as usual, he will pick students to answer his question. I like his way of teaching, by choosing randomly gives me pressure.

That day, he chose me to answer the actual SPM paper 2, section B's question, Earth as a Sphere, which contains 12 marks. Then, I was like shaking...(shit, must answer correctly, so that no people can laugh at me.) haha.

From question(a) to the last something like (d) within the 12 marks question, i answered immediately after reading the question to ensure that I'm the fastest. Yes, I made it. Teacher was so happy with my performance. He asked:"Girl, you want to become a pilot?"..haha.. I said no. Obviously not, I'm so weak in Physics.

Besides, he asked the boys in the same class applause for me but they seem.. not willing to clap their hands. haha. (Yea, I'm not lenglui, clap for what..) haha..

Then, teacher said to me:" You are the first girl, who can answer 12 marks Earth as a Sphere by your own. You have got my respect."

Oh my god, when I heard this, I was like 'flying'...immediately thank teacher and smile to myself. haha.. what the..

Today, I went to Chemistry lesson and met a new friend. She is an indian girl. That girl, Sarah and I was talking happily. Then, we talked about the maths teacher, he is horny larr, gila larr, funny larr.. what also come out.

Then the indian girl asked me:" Were you the one who answer on the Earth as a Sphere?".. That time I was like, Yes! I'm famous... haha.. I answered her 'Yes, I am.' proudly. (kns) Then she said, she was so shock that I can answer so fast and her reaction was opened her mouth and un-close-able..haha. happy!!

p/s: actually Earth as a Sphere is a very easy topic, I post this is to make myself happy. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

ahyo ahyo hsin ni smart girl woorr... hahaaaaaa... :)

-*hsin+ni*- said...

haha... thank you