Photo taken in Klinik Kesihatan Meru, Klang with our dearest Puan Mas. Community Health Nursing is a fun subject. I enjoyed traveling around to visit antenatal, postnatal and newborn cases. Following the School Health Program was also interesting as we dealing with different kind of reactions of the students after they had their injection. Some cried, some were total silence, some turned pale and some said "Thank you".
Through this Community Health Nursing subject, I am able have closer contact with pregnant mothers and child. Throughout conversations, I can understand their worries and problems. If I am able to answer, then I am good enough to reduce their level of anxiety and fear.
Been to few houses during Home Visit periods, I have discovered that our Malay ethnics are more capable to take care larger number of children in a family. Chinese ethnics have less percentage in the chart "Ideal duration of breast feeding - 6 months".
Natural delivery - Spontaneous vaginal delivery is strongly recommended, but not for those who are contraindicated.
6 months breast feeding is strongly implemented for newborn and mother. Beneficial for both parties.
2 yearly Pap Smear for those who are indicated to reduce risk of getting cervix cancer.
Monthly self breast examination and proper care of breast to allow early detection for breast cancer.
Get checked, ladies!
hsin ni....u upload this picture..
sooo quite TERKEJUT when i saw our picture at google...
hsin ni....u upload our CHN photo???
haHAHAHa soo sweeett...=)im qiute TERKEJUT when i saw that picture at google...hehehe=)
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